Thursday, April 30, 2009

Bringing Canadian Politics back to Life!

Well, a new Crop poll in Quebec puts the Liberals firmly in the lead ahead of the Bloc, and far ahead of the Conservatives. What does this mean? Unfortunately very little. Except that people have short memories. It wasn't that long ago that the Liberal party was reviled in Quebec. Yes, I understand the effect a new leader can have on the fortunes of a political party. I also realize this new liberal leadership will put some distance between the party and it's past. This doesn't mean that anything has really changed - there is just a perception of change.

This is the fundamental truth of politics in Canada (and any other country for that matter). Change happens slowly, if at all! The Conservative party of Canada is a case in point. It is the result of a marriage between the old Progressive Conservative Party of Canada, and the Reform Party of Canada (formerly called the Canadian Alliance). There was a process of renewal and the appearance of change on the surface, but there is little difference between the present day Conservative Party and the old Progressive Conservative Party. Yes, you may argue that his new party is a lot further to the right. That may have been true - initially. However, the Conservatives have moved much closer to the center-right position of their origins, and this move has been expedited by the economic realities of the current recession. The result? The political positions of today's center-right Conservative party, and the Center-left Liberal party are very similar to what you might find if you travelled back to the Mulroney era.

The truths I've discussed above, are the reason that Canadian are highly cynical about the political process. They generally do not believe that real change is possible. This is the reason for voter apathy and the continuing decline of voter turn out in this country. It is not because they don't want to be involved in the political process. It's because they don't believe that anything will ever change.

Eventually the continuing change in Liberal fortunes will lead to their return to power. This is not true change for Canadians. It is just a continuation of the cycle of politics in Canada. How do we get out of this cycle? How do we truly invigorate the Canadian political system? The system itself needs to be revamped. Whether this involves some kind of proportional representation, abolition of the monarchy, Senate reform etc. is not clear. However, I do believe Canadians are ready for real change!

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